CH Brynmawr Chasing Dreams

Welsh Terriers


Registration #:



1 2 3 4 5 6
CH Shiloh Morning's Rush Of A Mighty Wind CH Shiloh Morn's Faithful & True CH Kirkwood Top Brass CH Kirkwood Killian CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice CH Bardwyn Bronze Bertram
CH Colwyn Pirate's Paradox
CH Briggsdale Cardigan's Ticket CH Briggsdale's Rowdy Riley
CH Rushwyn's Morning Star
CH Colwyn Cloud Nine CH Jal-Mar's Felix Cadwallon CH Patt V D Bismarckquelle
CH Jal-Mar's Lady Eilonwy
CH Helgar Colwyn Comet CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice
Sutops Edan's Escape To Joy
CH Shiloh's Lily Of The Valley CH Shilohmorn Gloryland Express Am./Can. CH Colwyn Commander CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice
CH Marydale's Image
Am./Can. CH Shiloh Morning's Glory Divine CH Marydale's Bold Challenge
CH Marydale Royalcrest Kc Kirby
CH Counselor Secret Love CH Licken Run's Diesel CH Dd's Flash Dance
Licken Runs Special Blend
CH Counselor Trade Secret CH Counselor Fire Strike
CH Counselor Fire Dance
Shiloh Morn's Mighty Rush Of Wind CH Shiloh Circuit Ridin' Preacher CH Briggsdale Rowdy Randy CH Briggsdale Rowdy Rusty CH Briggsdale's Rowdy Riley
CH Rushwyn's Morning Star
Knolland Miss Chaos CH Merthyr's Super Man
Merthyr's Welsh Dream
CH Counselor Secret Love CH Licken Run's Diesel CH Dd's Flash Dance
Licken Runs Special Blend
CH Counselor Trade Secret CH Counselor Fire Strike
CH Counselor Fire Dance
CH Shilohmorn's Pipeline To Glory CH Shilohmorn Gloryland Express Am./Can. CH Colwyn Commander CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice
CH Marydale's Image
Am./Can. CH Shiloh Morning's Glory Divine CH Marydale's Bold Challenge
CH Marydale Royalcrest Kc Kirby
CH Shilohmorn More Than Amazing CH Sunspryte Xxtra Gemstone SE CH Calkerry Evening Attire
CH Sunspryte Gregmar Jewel
CH Gregmar's Amazing Grace CH Bronze Bomber Of Dor-Ru
CH Gregmar's Trendsetter
CH Brynmawr Dream On CH Sanherpinc Black Magic CH Sanherpinc Japon Merlin Embrujo De Brujas CH Anasazi Billy The Kid CH Anasazi Trail Boss
CH La Sierra's Latest Choice
Ledge Rock's Emma CH Meyrick's Hotshot
CH Ledge Rock's Glengarry Gem
CH Sanherpinc Liberty Bell CH Ledgerock's Prince Llewelyn CH Ledge Rock's Benjamin
CH Ledgerock Greenfield's Jewel
Zusana v.d. Bismarckquelle Zar v.d. Bismarckquelle
Jela V D Bismarckquelle
CH Sanherpinc Special's Edition CH Sanherpinc Mozart Melon CH Ledgerock's Prince Llewelyn CH Ledge Rock's Benjamin
CH Ledgerock Greenfield's Jewel
Zusana v.d. Bismarckquelle Zar v.d. Bismarckquelle
Jela V D Bismarckquelle
CH Kelvercrest Indian Summer CH Kathrich Kirkwood Rocketman CH Celtic Count Max-A-Million
CH Kirkwood Comedienne
CH Kelvercrest Seminole Wind CH Purston Showstopper
CH Kelvercrest Shalimar
CH Brynmawr In Your Dreams CH Brynmawr McDreamy CH Brynmawr Mighty Quinn CH Shilohmorn Gloryland Express Am./Can. CH Colwyn Commander
Am./Can. CH Shiloh Morning's Glory Divine
Brynmawr A Simple Wish CH Marydale Brynmawr Kid Rock
CH Marydale Brynmawr Xena
Brynmawr Extra Credit Brynmawr Quiet Riot CH Felstead Sharp Shooter
CH Marydale Brynmawr Xena
Brynmawr What A Summer CH Shiloh Circuit Ridin' Preacher
CH Marydale Brynmawr Xena
CH Brynmawr Sister Sue CH Felstead Sharp Shooter Felstead Frosty Fella Felstead Refine
Felstead Fine Review
Felstead Miss Eyefull Glyncastle Top Man
Felstead Finale
Brynmawr What A Summer CH Shiloh Circuit Ridin' Preacher CH Briggsdale Rowdy Randy
CH Counselor Secret Love
CH Marydale Brynmawr Xena CH Shilohmorn Gloryland Express
CH Counselor Trade Mark