CH Marydale Brynmawr Kid Rock

Welsh Terriers

Registration #:


1 2 3 4 5 6
CH Marydale Sea-Aire Enigma CH Shilohmorn Gloryland Express Am./Can. CH Colwyn Commander CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice CH Bardwyn Bronze Bertram CH Bardwyn Turnaround Look At Me
CH Bardwyn Copper Penny
CH Colwyn Pirate's Paradox CH Colwyn Pirate King
Colwyn Royal Result
CH Marydale's Image CH Licken Run's Andrew Jackson CH Licken Run's Billy Joe
Licken Run's Joanne
CH Bernedell First Edition CH Colwyn Royal Caper
Bernedell Front Page
Am./Can. CH Shiloh Morning's Glory Divine CH Marydale's Bold Challenge CH Czar's Bold Bachelor Prince CG CH Trudiots Bold Challenge
CH Czar's Bachlor Party Time
CH Bernedell First Edition CH Colwyn Royal Caper
Bernedell Front Page
CH Marydale Royalcrest Kc Kirby CH Gregmar's Royalcrest Rc CH Anasazi Trail Boss
CH Gregmar's Gwen
CH Marydale's Image CH Licken Run's Andrew Jackson
CH Bernedell First Edition
Marydale Sea-Aire Toreador CH Ledge Rocks Int'l Choice CH Baron V D Bismarckquelle Fritz v.d. Bismarckquelle Am./Lux/Int CH Merthyr's Show Master
High Flyers Pia
Cora v.d. Bismarckquelle Abbo Aus Der Bauernhohle
Cilla Vom Hekahaus
CH Sutton Valleys Gem Of Ledge CH Ledge Rock's Benjamin CH Licken Runs Laddie
CH Brynhir Buffington
CH Sutton Valley's Torment CH Groveview Famous
Banon Of Sutton Valley
CH Marydale's Enchantress CH Colwyn Auspicious Choice CH Bardwyn Bronze Bertram CH Bardwyn Turnaround Look At Me
CH Bardwyn Copper Penny
CH Colwyn Pirate's Paradox CH Colwyn Pirate King
Colwyn Royal Result
CH Marydale's Image CH Licken Run's Andrew Jackson CH Licken Run's Billy Joe
Licken Run's Joanne
CH Bernedell First Edition CH Colwyn Royal Caper
Bernedell Front Page
CH Bojangles Brianna Of Sun Oak CH Cascade Lane's Samson McBee CH Brynhir's Sam Of Cascade Lane CH Ledge Rock's Benjamin CH Licken Runs Laddie CH Licken Run's Two-Pence Sam
CH Licken Run's Glamour Girl
CH Brynhir Buffington CH Licken Run's Two-Pence Sam
CH Brynhir Samantha Sue
Brynhir Rebecca CH Licken Run's Gladiator CH Licken Run's Danny Boy
Licken Run's May Bee
CH Brynhir Samantha Sue CH Philtown Protocol
CH Glengarry Filly's Sparkle
CH Cascade Lane's Bumble Bee CH Greenfield's Plaid Cymru CH Greenfield's Cwm Rhondda CH Adamant's Prince Of Wales
CH Cadno's Coquette
Felstead Teaser Felstead Flash Rebel
Felstead Future Chance
CH Daisy Mae Of Cascade Lane CDX CH Colwyn Cowboy CH Licken Run's Two-Pence Sam
CH Bernedell First Edition
CH Brynhir Beatrix CD CH Philtown Protocol
CH Glengarry Filly's Sparkle
Gatewood Tali's Last Tango CH Dd's Flash Dance CH Dd's Rhett Baron CH Anasazi Trail Boss CH Sorreisa's Six And A Tanner
CH Windsong Helter Skelter
Dd's Protocol Princess Evita CH Philtown Protocol
CH Johnel's Dd Of Redondo Beach
CH Johnel's Dd Of Redondo Beach CH Valoramor's Red Label CH Philtown Protocol
CH Valoramor's Bambi
CH Valoramor's Gala Dulce CH Valoramor's Vanguard
CH Valoramor's Michiko
CH Coryridge Talisman CH Coryridge Ruddy-My-Beard CD CH Licken Run's Two-Pence Sam Am./GBR CH Felstead True Form
Licken Run's Samantha
Monty's Glendora CH Ebbw Swell Red Hussar
CH Monty's Honey Bee True
CH Barb's Folderol Of Coryridge CH Bardwyn Turnaround Look At Me CH Felstead Fullflight Of Reglib
Licken Run's Samantha
Querencia's Frieda Am./GBR CH Felstead True Form
Pool Forge Honey